Doctor Sergio Spintato, IPA member, presents an article about re-evaluation over time of marginal bone loss around implants within the first year of loading. In this video he analyzes the role of peri-implant mucosal tissue and abutment height over the marginal loss bone phenomenon. Sergio Spinato is co-author of this scientific research together with Claudio…
The prestigious Charles E. English Award for the year 2020
The scientific activity of the IPA allowed numerous studies to be published in peer-reviwed international journals. Among them, the following article received the prestigious Charles E. English Award for the year 2020: Sergio Spinato, Claudio Stacchi, Teresa Lombardi, Fabio Bernardello, Marcello Messina, Sergio Dovigo, Davide Zaffe. Influence of abutment height and vertical mucosal thickness on…